Northrim Bank is proud to announce the opening of the Homer Loan Production office and welcome Jennifer McLay, VP - Commercial Loan Officer. Northrim Chairman and CEO Joe Schierhorn is pleased to welcome Jennifer and expand into a new market.

McLay joined Northrim in April and has over 30 years in the financial industry in Alaska. She holds an Associate of Applied Science degree in Accounting and Small Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage. McLay is a past Kachemak City Council member and board member of Hospice of Homer. She has volunteered with a number of organizations over her career including Junior Achievement, the Snomads and the Homer Racing Association.

The Homer Loan Production Office opened June 5 and is located at 601 E. Pioneer Avenue, Suite 209. The Loan Production Office is open to the public and provides lending-related services such as loan information and applications. The office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and by appointment on Fridays.