Employee Retirement Plans • Northrim Bank

Employee Retirement Plans


Plans that are win-win for your business and employees

Recruit talented people, retain your best employees and boost morale with attractive retirement packages.

As a business owner, offering an employee retirement plan is critical to your success. More than 40% of employees would refuse a job that doesn't provide retirement benefits, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. And small companies that offer attractive retirement packages have significantly lower turnover rates. In short, providing this benefit will help you recruit talented people, retain your best employees and boost morale.

Benefits of working with Northrim Investment Services

  • Possible tax incentives
  • Competitive fee structure
  • Single point of contact and dedicated client service representatives
  • Customized employee education
  • Customized company plan options
  • Comprehensive administrative and reporting services
  • Online tools for both your business and your employees
  • Online tools, including easy enrollment, full account access and control, educational tools, account transfers and reallocations
  • Daily account valuations
  • Retirement plan calculators
  • Retirement information library
Full range of options

Full range of options

With a full range of options including 401(k)s, Roth 401(k)s, Solo 401(k)s, SIMPLEs and SEPs, we’ll help you choose the plan that best benefits your business and your employees.

Smart investment

Smart investment

Diversified portfolios are carefully designed to meet the needs of a wide range of investors, with historically competitive returns.

Local experts

Local experts

Your local advisor will guide you from selecting your plan, to monitoring your investments, to making adjustments as your business grows and changes.

Easy and simple

Easy and simple

With customized employee education, administrative services and online tools, advisors make managing your employee retirement plan easy and simple.



The competitive fee structure is in line with or below industry standards. Plus, you may be able to realize tax benefits.

Objective and Transparent

Objective and Transparent

As independent advisors, we're committed to serving our clients – not competing outside interests. We also provide clear and upfront disclosure of all fees and costs.

For more details about Northrim Investment Services, please contact the team member nearest your location:

Southcentral Alaska: Matthew Thayer | (907) 261-4648 or email

Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak and Southeast Alaska: Chris Chambos | (907) 261-4647 or 

Interior Alaska: Tammy Kosa | (907) 455-1117 or 

Northrim Investment Services offers investments through Elliott Cove Capital Management, an investment firm registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Elliott Cove Investment products are not FDIC insured, not a deposit or obligation of, or guaranteed by any bank, not insured by any government agency, and may lose value, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Northrim Bank and Northrim Investment Services are not affiliated companies of Elliott Cove Capital Management.