Investment Portfolios


Saving for tomorrow starts with making the right investments today

Our local Investment Advisor Representatives (IAR) are here to help you find an investment solution that is based on your objectives, time horizon and risk tolerance. So whether you’re planning for retirement or saving for another life-long dream, our long-term investment options can help you reach your goal.

Investment options

We offer a range of globally diversified portfolio options, positioned in thousands of stocks and bonds and carefully designed to cover a range of risk tolerances, time horizons and tax sensitivities, ranging from conservative to aggressive.

Portfolios are reviewed quarterly to ensure that they maintain their targeted risk profile and investment purpose in an environment of continually changing financial market and equity performance. Trading in portfolios is limited, but alterations are made periodically in light of new research findings, rebalancing and new fund availability.

Ready to discuss your options?

Contact the team member nearest you. The IAR will guide you in selecting an investment plan that is suitable for you and your objectives.

  • Southcentral Alaska: Matthew Thayer | (907) 261-4648 or
  • Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak and Southeast Alaska: Chris Chambos | (907) 261-4647 or 
  • Interior Alaska: Tammy Kosa | (907) 455-1117 or 

Investment advisory services are provided through Elliott Cove Capital Management, an SEC-registered investment adviser firm. Investments made at the recommendation of Elliott Cove Capital Management are not insured by the FDIC, are not a deposit or obligation, or guaranteed by any Bank, any governmental agency, and may lose value.

Northrim Investment Services is the marketing name used by personnel of Northrim Bank that provide investment advisory services as investment adviser representatives of Elliott Cove Capital Management, an SEC-registered investment adviser firm. Although Northrim Bank and Elliott Cove Capital Management are not affiliated companies, the employees of Northrim Bank that are registered as investment adviser representatives of Elliott Cove Capital Management are affiliated persons for both companies.